8 days ago I was involved in a very serious Bike v Car accident at the Al Qudra Roundabout – I have lived in Town Square since 2018 and have ridden this route probably more than 200x.
On Sunday 26th February I rolled the dice once too often and my luck ran out.
Was it my fault – 100% it was, because what I thought was the easiest and safest way to get home from the track to Town Square failed me on this occasion – as I was 100% confident the decisions I was making were the correct ones. It does not matter how visible I thought I was, I was only hit because the driver of the car was not expecting me to be on his right.
As much as I used extreme hand signals, and am aware of the dangers – nothing will ever prepare you for the day when you make the wrong decision and pay the price.
I have witnessed too many unnecessary deaths on the road from cyclists like me who believed they were good cyclists and safe riders… Current count of deaths on bicycle since 2012 for me is 11.
The reality is that a 2000kg vehicle will always win when colliding with an 80kg rider… so I really ask all riders to stop riding on any public road as one day your luck will run out… like it did for me.
The law in UAE states that riding a bike on a public road with a speed limit above 60kph is illegal – so not only was I at fault for commuting to track on AL Qudra Rd… but I was hit by a car who had only just started moving and was going no faster than 25kph when I was hit… I was lucky that I am here to share my story.
I am not looking for any sympathy, and I have accepted the consequences of my actions – The last week I have been on an emotional roller coaster from my accident – My road to recovery is long and one day I will ride again (On a track only)…

The only purpose of this post is to save lives and stop this happening to anyone else… Please do not ride on public roads unless you have a death wish. We are gifted the most awesome cycling facilities – so why risk your life and put your families through the pain and suffering of seeing their loved ones in hospital or a morgue.
As for me – I am on Day 8 post accident – adjusting to my new daily routine of everything taking a very long time, I have an amazing support network of friends and family and everyday I get stronger and healthier… Thankful I am alive.
All the best to Andy from us at Sported, thank you Andy for sharing a very important story that is close to our heart, we wish you a strong recovery.
By Andy Fordham